Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Game of Thrones - Valar Morghulis S02E10

Valar Morghulis


Joffrey puts Sansa aside for Margaery Tyrell. Robb marries Talisa Maegyr. Jon prepares to meet Mance Rayder. Arya says farewell to Jaqen H'ghar. Daenerys tries to rescue her dragons.

With the battle won, King Joffrey names his grandfather, Tywin Lannister, as the Hand of the King. It has an immediate impact on Tyrion, who awakens in new and much smaller quarters wounded from the battle . Petyr Baelish is rewarded for his loyalty. The King takes an interest in Lady Margaery Tyrell and decides to marry her. Lord Varys recruits a new spy. Arya has managed to escape from Harrenhal with Jaqen H'ghar's help. He shows her something of himself. Theon and his men are surrounded at Winterfell and are forced to abandon their position.

They don't leave much behind. North of the wall, Jon impresses his captor in a fight with one of his own. King Robb and Talisa are married despite the promise he had previously made. Brienne and Jaime Lannister continue their journey but not without difficulty. In Qarth, Daenerys enters the House of the Undead to retrieve her dragons.

Game of Thrones - Blackwater S02E09



Stannis Baratheon's fleet and army arrive at King's Landing and the battle for the city begins. Cersei plans for her and her children's future.
 Confident of victory, Stannis Baratheon's fleet and army arrive at King's Landing and the battle for the city begins.

The Lannisters are badly outnumbered but Tyrion has make sensible preparations and strikes a blow. When no one else will lead the troops beyond the city wall, Tyrion decides he will do so himself. Cersei plans for her and her children's future. It appears they are all headed for certain death but help suddenly arrives.

Game of Thrones - The Prince of Winterfell S02E08

The Prince of Winterfell


Stannis is just days from King's Landing. Tyrion prepares for his arrival. Jon and Qhorin are taken prisoner by the wildlings. Catelyn is arrested for releasing Jamie. Arya, Gendry, and Hot Pie plan to escape from Harrenhal.
Theon's sister Yara arrives at Winterfell with reinforcements but he still can't seem to earn her respect. She tells him he was stupid to kill the Stark boys as they were valuable prisoners. Theon learns that his father wants him to return home. North of the Wall, Jon had been taken prisoner by wildlings. At Harrenhal, Arya identifies the last of the three lives Jaquen H'ghar promised her for saving him.

Robb is dismayed at the deal his mother has made with Jamie Lannister and places her under arrest. Danerys refuses to leave Qarth without her dragons and decides to retrieve them from the House of the Undying. Stannis and his army approach King's Landing from the sea. Tyrion plans for the defense of the city but Cersei wants him to keep her son King Jeoffrey out of the fighting. He realizes that he must take steps to protect Shae.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Game of Thrones - A Man Without Honor S02E07

A Man Without Honor 


Bran and Rickon have escaped Winterfell. Theon tries to hunt them down. Daenerys' dragons have been stolen. Jon travels through the wilderness with Ygritte as his prisoner.

Sansa has bled and is now ready to have Joffrey's children. At Winterfell, Osha arranges for Bran and his younger brother to escape. Theon is outraged and sets off after them but can't quite seem to find them. Osha improvises, as does Theon so as not to lose face. North of the Wall, Jon finds himself lost and separated from the other members of the Night's Watch. His prisoner, Ygritte, soon turns the tables on him. At Robb's camp, Jaime Lannister escapes but is soon recaptured.

At Harrenhal, Tywin Lannister wants to find the assassin who struck so near to him. At King's Landing, Sansa has nightmares about her near rape but also begins to menstruate. Cersei has advice for her but the young woman is clearly worried about having to marry Joffrey. In Qarth, Daenerys meets with the ruling council and demands the return of her dragons.

Game of Thrones - The Old Gods and the New S02E06

The Old Gods and the New 


Theon seizes control of Winterfell. Jon captures a wildling, named Ygritte. The people of King's Landing begin to turn against King Joffrey. Daenerys looks to buy ships to sail for the Seven Kingdoms.

In a surprise attack, Theon Greyjoy captures Winterfell demanding an oath of loyalty from everyone there in return for their lives. He is chastised however by the locals for turning on the family that raised him. The execution of a Stark family retainer shows just how serious Theon is. Robb Stark can't believe what's happened and swears to get his revenge. He is also growing fonder of Lady Talisa.

At King's Landing, Tyrion knows better than most that war will devastate them and makes arrangements for Cersei's daughter, Myrcella, to be send away to marry. On returning to the palace after seeing her off, King Joffrey and others of the royal court learn exactly what the public thinks of them. North of the wall, Jon Snow and others are on patrol looking for wildlings. They kill a few but one of the survivors is an attractive young woman, Ygritte. At Harrenhall, Arya continues to work as Lord Tywin Lannister's cup bearer. She's taken aback however when a visitor from King's Landing

Game of Thrones - The Ghost of Harrenhal S02E05

The Ghost of Harrenhal 



Tyrion investigates a secret weapon that King Joffrey plans to use against Stannis. Meanwhile, as a token for saving his life, Jaqen H'ghar offers to kill three people that Arya chooses.

Catelyn and Renly come to an agreement and he agrees to join forces with Robb but witchcraft intervenes forcing her to flee with Brienne. As Stannis' fleet approaches Renly's camp, Petyr Baelish has advice for Margaery and her brother. At King's Landing, Cersei assures Tyrion that siege preparations are well under way and he learns the specifics from Lancel. In the Iron Islands Theon sets sail though has some difficulty gaining his crew's respect.

Arya makes a deal with Jaqen H'ghar who promises her three lives in return for her having saved his. North of the Wall the Watchmen arrive at their camp. In Qarth, Daxos has gifts for Daenarys and has a proposition for her: access to his untold riches - and the Iron Throne - if he marries her. In Winterfell, Osha sees something in Bran's dreams.

Game of Thrones - Garden of Bones S02E04

Garden of Bones 


Lord Baelish arrives at Renly's camp just before he faces off against Stannis. Daenerys and her company are welcomed into the city of Qarth. Arya, Gendry, and Hot Pie find themselves imprisoned at Harrenhal.

Robb attacks a Lannister encampment and afterward meets Lady Talisa Maegyr who treats the wounded in the battlefield. Tyrion puts a stop to King Joffre's mistreatment of Sansa and also blackmails his cousin Lancel, Cersei's lover, into being his spy. Petyr Baelish visits King Renly but Catelyn is not pleased with his presence.

He offers to help protect her daughters but a trade for Jaime is the only solution. Catelyn however tries to get Stannis and Renly to bury the hatchet and unite their forces. Davos Seaworth delivers Stannis' witch, Melisandre, to a remote cave where she gives birth. In the desert, one of Daenarys' riders returns with news that the elders of Qarth will receive them. Arya arrives at Harrenhal where one person is killed every day. Lord Tywin arrives unexpectedly and she is soon his cup bearer.

Game of Thrones - What Is Dead May Never Die S02E03

What Is Dead May Never Die


Tyrion tries to see who he can trust in the small council. Catelyn visits Renly to try and persuade him to join Robb in the war. Theon must decide if his loyalties lie with his own family or with Robb.

 Jon is reprimanded for interfering with Craster and Sam has a gift for one of Craster's wives. In Winterfell, Bran continues to dream but begins to believe they are visions. Lady Catelyn approaches King Renly Baratheon to form an alliance with her son Robb. In the Iron Islands, Balon decides to attack the north while the Robb Stark's armies are in the south fighting the Lannisters.

 Theon is given the command of a ship while his sister Yara is put in command of a fleet of 30 ships. In King's Landing, Tyrion plays the council members against one another and learns the identity of the spy among them. He also wants to protect Shae from those who might try to find his weaknesses and she soon begins work as Sansa's new hand maiden. The King's guards return and Arya and Gendry are taken prisoner.

Game of Thrones - The Night Lands S02E02

The Night Lands 


Arya makes friends with Gendry. Tyrion tries to take control of the small council. Theon arrives at his home, Pyke, in order to persuade his father into helping Robb with the war. Jon tries to investigate Craster's secret.

In the wake of a bloody purge in the capital, Tyrion chastens Cersei for alienating the king's subjects. On the road north, Arya shares a secret with Gendry, a Night's Watch recruit. With supplies dwindling, one of Dany's scouts returns with news of their position.

After nine years as a Stark ward, Theon Greyjoy reunites with his father Balon, who wants to restore the ancient Kingdom of the Iron Islands. Davos enlists Salladhor Saan, a pirate, to join forces with Stannis and Melisandre for a naval invasion of King's Landing.

Game of Thrones - The North Remembers S02E01

 The North Remembers 


Tyrion arrives at Kings Landing to take his father's place as Hand of the King. Stannis Baratheon plans to take the Iron Throne for his own. Robb tries to decide his next move in the war. The Night's Watch arrive at the house of Craster.
Tyrion arrives at Kings Landing to take his father's place as Hand of the King. Stannis Baratheon plans to take the Iron Throne for his own. Robb tries to decide his next move in the war. The Night's Watch arrive at the house of Craster. Winter is coming as the Night Watch go to meet the threat north of the Wall, the standoff between the Stark and the Lannisters boils with new rumors of King Joffrey's birthright and the rise of the Baratheon brothers in the warfare. All the while Dany leads her band of broken things through the dead lands barely hanging on. Trust...Joffrey will do whatever it takes to keep his crown.